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  1. Trivedi J.J, and Azad M.S. An Improved Method of Recovering Oil from A Depleted Oil Reservoir. United States Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 62/879,245. Date of Filing:  July 26, 2019
  2. Azad M.S. and Trivedi J.J. Quantification of Polymer's Viscoelastic Effects on Sor Reduction Using Modified Capillary. United States Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 62/879,192. Date of Filing:  July 26, 2019
Peer-Reviewed Journal

  1. X Chen, Y Li, Z Liu, J Zhang, JJ Trivedi, X Li. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the migration and plugging of the particle in porous media based on elastic properties. Fuel. 332 (2), 126224. (2023)

  2. X Chen, Y Li, Z Liu, J Trivedi, Y Tang, M Sui. Visualized investigation of the immiscible displacement: Influencing factors, improved method, and EOR effect. Fuel. 331 (1), 125841. (2023)

  3. X Chen, YQ Li, ZY Liu, JJ Trivedi, WB Gao, MY Sui. Experimental investigation on the enhanced oil recovery efficiency of polymeric surfactant: Matching relationship with core and emulsification ability. Petroleum Science, In Press (2023)

  4. V Patel, JJ Trivedi, T Sharma. Influence of hydrophobic association in the aqueous media on the rheology and polymer conformation of associative polymers. Polymer Bulletin. (2022)

  5. S Chowdhury, M Rakesh, S Medhi, JJ Trivedi, JS Sangwai. Pore-scale flow simulation of supercritical CO2 and oil flow for simultaneous CO2 geo-sequestration and enhanced oil recovery. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 76003–76025. (2022)

  6. A Doda, MS Azad, Y Kotsuchibashi, JJ Trivedi, R Narain. Investigation of Alkali and Salt Resistant Copolymer of Acrylic Acid and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone for Medium Viscosity Oil Recovery. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Special Issue 100, (6) 1427-1438. (2022)

  7. KR Chaturvedi, S Bajpai, J Trivedi, T Sharma. Air Foams for Mobility Control and Subsurface Storage of Hydrogen in Porous Media: An Experimental Study. Energy & Fuels 36 (9), 5036-5046 (2022)

  8. N Sibaweihi, JJ Trivedi. Risk Management and Optimization in Real-Time Noncondensable Gas Co-injection under Economic Uncertainty. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 1-21. (2022)

  9. A Narimani, F Kordnejad, P Kaur, J Trivedi, F Najmeddine, M Hemmati, A Duong. Synthesis and preparation of poly (AM-co-AMPS)/GO nanocomposites hydrogel as a rheology modifier and fluid loss controller for use in oil well cementing. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 1-12. (2022)

  10. BN Nwani, MS Azad, J Trivedi. Effect of Various Classes of Surfactants on Interfacial Tension Reduction and Wettability Alteration on Smart-Water-Surfactant Systems. Energy & Fuels 36 (1), 251-261 (2022)

  11. S Chissonde, MS Azad, J Trivedi. Flow of hydrophobically associating polymers through unconsolidated sand pack: Role of extensional rheology and degree of association, Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume 344, 117643 (2021) (IF = 6.615)

  12. MS Azad, JJ Trivedi. Synergistic behavior of anionic surfactant and hydrolyzed polyacrylamide under extensional field: Effect of hydrophobicity. Langmuir 37 (46), 13645–13653 (2021) (IF = 3.882)

  13. A Pandey, KR Chaturvedi, J Trivedi, T Sharma. Assessment of polymer based carbonation in weak/strong alkaline media for energy production and carbon storage: An approach to address carbon emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 328, 129628 (2021) (IF = 9.297)

  14. Z Wu, C Cui, Y Ye, X Cheng, JJ Trivedi, S Lu, Y Qian. A novel model for the proppant equilibrium height in hydraulic fractures for slickwater treatments. Petroleum Science. 19, (1), 254-263 (2022) (IF = 4.090)

  15. KR Chaturvedi, R Narukulla, J Trivedi, T Sharma. Effect of single-step silica nanoparticle on rheological characterization of surfactant based CO2 foam for effective carbon utilization in subsurface applications. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 341, 116905. (2021) (IF = 6.165)

  16. V Patel, Y Dalsania, MS Azad, T Sharma, JJ Trivedi. Characterization of co‐and post‐hydrolyzed polyacrylamide molecular weight and radius distribution under saline environment. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (26), 50616. (2021) (IF = 3.125)

  17. A Almedida da Costa, J Mateo, R Patel, JJ Trivedi, JBP Soares, PS Rocha, G Costa, M Embiruçu. Can low salinity water injection be an efficient option for the Recôncavo Basin? An experimental and simulation case study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 202, 108557. (2021) (IF = 4.346)

  18. MS Azad, JJ Trivedi. Quantification of Sor reduction during polymer flooding using extensional capillary number. SPE Journal 26 (03), 1469-1498. (2021) (IF = 3.478)

  19. JL Guevara, R Patel, J Trivedi. Optimization of steam injection in SAGD using reinforcement learning. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 108735. (2021) (IF = 4.346)

  20. Z Zhang, MS Azad, JJ Trivedi. IFT or wettability alteration: What is more important for oil recovery in oil-wet formation? Fuel 291, 119986. (2021). (IF = 5.578)

  21. A Almedida da Costa, G Costa, M Embiruçu, JB Soares, JJ Trivedi, PS Rocha, A Souza, P Jaeger. The Influence of Rock Composition and pH on Reservoir Wettability for Low-Salinity Water-CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications in Brazilian Reservoirs. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 24 (01), 45-65. (2021) (IF = 2.250)

  22. N Sibaweihi, RG Patel, JL Guevara, ID Gates, JJ Trivedi. Real-Time Steam Allocation Workflow Using Machine Learning for Digital Heavy Oil Reservoirs. JPSE. 199, 108168. (2021)

  23. RS Kumar, KR Chaturvedi, S Iglauer, JJ Trivedi, T Sharma. Impact of anionic surfactant on stability, viscoelastic moduli, and oil recovery of silica nanofluid in saline environment. JPSE. 195, 107634. (2020)

  24. MS Azad, JJ Trivedi. Extensional effects during viscoelastic polymer flooding: understanding unresolved challenges. SPEJ: 25 (04), 1827-1841. (2020) (IF = 3.478)

  25. A Telmadarreie, JJ Trivedi. CO2 Foam and CO2 Polymer Enhanced Foam for Heavy Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage. Energies 13 (21), 5735. (2020) (IF = 3.004)

  26. Z Wu, C Cui, Y Ye, X Cheng, JJ Trivedi. A fractal model for quantitative evaluating the effects of spontaneous imbibition and displacement on the recovery of tight reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 108120. (2020) (IF = 4.346)

  27. A Doda, MS Azad, JJ Trivedi. Effect of water saturation on the role of polymer elasticity during heavy oil recovery. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 41 (9), 1265-1273. (2020).

  28. Patel R, Trivedi J J. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of SAGD Well Operations for Real-Time Production Optimization. SPE-201212-PA. SPE Production & Operations 35 (3). (2020)

  29. Chaturvedi K.R, Japan Trivedi, Tushar Sharma. Single-Step Silica Nanofluid for Improved Carbon Dioxide Flow and Reduced Formation Damage in Porous Media for Carbon Utilization. Energy. 197: 117276 (2020) 

  30. Costa A. A., Trivedi J. J., Soares J., Rocha P., Costa G., and Embirucu M. An experimental evaluation of low salinity water mechanisms in a typical Brazilian sandstone and light crude oil with low acid/basic number. Fuel 273:117694. (2020).

  31. Azad M. S., Trivedi J.J. Does Polymer’s Viscoelasticity Influence Heavy Oil Sweep Efficiency and Injectivity at 1ft/Day. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Reservoir Engineering: 23 (2), 446 – 462. (2019)

  32. Azad M.S., and Trivedi J.J. Quantification of the Viscoelastic Effects during Polymer Flooding: A Critical Review. SPEJ, 24 (06), pp: 2731-2751. (2019)

  33. Wu Z, Cui C, Trivedi J, Ai N, and Tang W. Pressure Analysis for Volume Fractured Vertical Well with Considering Low-Velocity Non-Darcy Flow and Stress Sensitivity. Geofluids (2019).

  34. Wu Z, Cui C, Trivedi J, Li R, Tang W., Wei Z, Gao M. Layer regrouping optimization for multilayer heterogeneous reservoirs at a high water cut stage. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12 (15), 458 (2019)

  35. Chaturvedi K, Trivedi J.J, Sharma T. Evaluation of Polymer Assisted Carbonated Water Injection in Sandstone Reservoir: Absorption Kinetics, Rheology and Oil Recovery Results. Energy Energy & Fuels. 33 (6) pp 5438-5451. (2019)

  36. Patel R.G., Jain T., and Trivedi J.J. Performance of Ensemble Kalman Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo under Uncertainty in Forecast Model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 177: 415 - 431. (2019)

  37. Azad M.S., and Trivedi J.J. Novel viscoelastic model for predicting the synthetic polymer’s viscoelastic behavior in porous media using direct extensional rheological measurements. Fuel, 235, pp 218 – 226. (2019)
  38. Shaban S., Azad M.S., Trivedi J.J., and Ghaemi S. Investigation of near-wall turbulence in relation to polymer rheology, Physics of Fluids, 30 (12). (2018)
  39. Azad M.S., and Trivedi J.J. Extensional rheological data from ex-situ measurements for predicting porous media behaviour of the viscoelastic EOR polymers. Data in Brief, 20, pp: 293-305. (2018) Link
  40. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi J.J. Static and Dynamic Performance of Wet Foam and Polymer-Enhanced Foam in the Presence of Heavy Oil. Colloids Interfaces, 2(3), 38. (2018)
  41. Azad M.S., Dalsania Y., and Trivedi J.J. Understanding the flow behavior of copolymer and associative polymers in porous media using extensional viscosity characterization: Effect of hydrophobic association. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 96 (11), pp 2498 - 2508. (2018) Link
  42. Chaturvedi K.R., Kumar R., Trivedi J., Sheng J., and Sharma T. Stable Silica Nanofluids of an Oilfield Polymer for Enhanced CO2 Absorption for Oilfield Applications. Energy & Fuels 32 (12), pp 12730-12741. (2018)
  43. Patel R.G., Trivedi J.J, and Prasad V. SAGD Real-Time Production Optimization Using Adaptive and Gain-Scheduled Model-Predictive-Control: An Application to a Field Model. SPE Production & Operations, 34 (1). (2018)
  44. Sripada P., Khan Md., Ramasamy S., Trivedi J., Gupta R. Influence of Coal Properties on the CO2 adsorption Capacity of Coal Gasification Residues. Energy Sci & Eng, 6 (4), pp 321 - 335. (2018)
  45. Azad M.S., Dalsania Y., and Trivedi J.J. Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometry of Associative and Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide Polymers for Oil Recovery Applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135 (22), pp: 46253. (2017) Link
  46. Vembadi S., Patel R.G., Trivedi J.J, and Prasad V. Real-Time Feedback Control of SAGD Wells using Model Predictive Control to Optimize Steam Chamber Development under Uncertainty, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 96 (6), pp 1290-1305. (2017) (appeared as a featured article in the “Issue Highlights") Link
  47. Debnath N., Hassanpourfard M., Ghosh R., Trivedi J., Thundat T., and Kumar A. Abiotic streamers in a microfluidic system. Soft Matter, 13, PP 8698-8705. (2017) (Back-Cover Art)  Link
  48. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi J.J. Dynamic Behavior of Asphaltene Deposition and Distribution Pattern in Fractured Porous Media during Hydrocarbon Solvent Injection: Pore-Level Observations. Energy & Fuels, 31 (9), pp 9067–9079. (2017) Link
  49. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi J.J. Evaluation of Foam Generated with the Hydrocarbon Solvent for Extra-Heavy Oil Recovery from Fractured Porous Media: Pore-Scale Visualization. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 157, pp 1170-1178. (2017) Link
  50. Jain T., Patel R.G., Trivedi J.J. Application of Polynomial Chaos Theory as an Accurate and Computationally Efficient Proxy Model for Heterogeneous SAGD Reservoirs. Energy Science & Engineering, 5 (5), pp: 270-289. (2017) Link
  51. Rahmati E., Nouri A., Fattahpour V., and Trivedi J. Numerical Assessment of the Maximum Operating Pressure for SAGD Projects Considering the Effects of Anisotropy and Natural Fractures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 157, pp 196-206. (2017) Link
  52. Nejadi S., Trivedi J.J., and Leung J. History Matching and Uncertainty Quantification of Discrete Fracture Network Models in Fractured Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 152, pp 21–32. (2017) Link
  53. Dalsania Y., Doda A., and Trivedi J.J. Characterization of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Oilfield Polyacrylamides Under Different pH Environments Using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation and Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector. SPE Journal, 23 (01). (2017) Link
  54. Rahmati E., Nouri A., Fattahpour V., and Trivedi J. Numerical Assessment of the Maximum Operating Pressure for SAGD Projects by Considering the Intrinsic Shale Anisotropy. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 148, pp 10-20. (2017). Link
  55. Xie D., Hou J, Doda A., and Trivedi J.J. The comparison study of IFT and consumption behaviors between organic alkali and inorganic alkali. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 147, pp 528-535. (2016) Link
  56. Xie D., Hou J, Doda A., and Trivedi J.J. The application of organic alkali for heavy oil EOR in comparison with inorganic alkali. Energy & Fuels, 30 (6), pp 4583–4595. (2016). Link
  57. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi J.J. New Insight on Carbonate Heavy Oil Recovery: Pore-Scale Mechanisms of Solvent Alternating CO2 Foam/Polymer Enhanced Foam Flooding. SPE Journal, 21 (5), pp 1,655 - 1,668. (2016). Link
  58. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi J.J. Post-Surfactant CO2 Foam/Polymer-Enhanced Foam Flooding for Heavy Oil Recovery: Pore-Scale Visualization in Fractured Micromodel. Transport in Porous Media, 113 (3), pp 717-733. (2016). 
  59. Doda A., Sahib M.A., and Trivedi J.J. Effect of Water Saturation on the Role of Polymer Elasticity during Heavy Oil Recovery. Accepted for Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. (2016).
  60. Doda A., Trivedi J.J, Kotsuchibashi Y., and Narain R. Improving injectivity of chemical EOR for heavy oil recovery using acrylic acid and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone copolymers and crosslinked polymers. Accepted for Canadian Energy Technology & Innovation Journal (2016).
  61. Khan M.M., Mmbaga J.P., Shirazi A.S., Trivedi J.J., Liu Q., and Gupta R. Modelling Underground Coal Gasification - A Review. Energies, 8 (11), pp 12603-12668. (2015).
  62. Telmadarreie A., Doda A., Trivedi J.J., Choi P., and Kuru E. CO2 Microbubbles - a Potential Fluid for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Bulk and Porous Media Studies. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 138, pp 160–173. (2015).
  63. Patel R. Trivedi J.J, Rahim S., and Li Z. Initial Sampling of Ensemble for SAGD Reservoir History Matching and Production Optimization. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 54 (6). (2015).
  64. Nejadi S. Leung J. and Trivedi J.J. Integrated Characterization of Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs Production History Matching. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 18 (4), pp 481-494. (2015)
  65. Yao S., Trivedi J.J., and Prasad V. Proxy Modeling of the Production Profiles of SAGD Reservoirs Based on System Identification. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 54 (33), pp 8356–8367. (2015).
  66. Rahim S., Li S., and Trivedi J.J. Reservoir Geological Uncertainty Reduction: an Optimization based Method using Multiple Static Measures. Mathematical Geosciences, 47 (4), pp 373-396. (2015).
  67. Nejadi S., Leung J. and Trivedi J.J. Characterization of Non-Gaussian Geologic Facies Distribution Using Ensemble Kalman Filter with Probability Weighted Re-Sampling. Mathematical Geosciences, 47 (2), pp 193-225 (2014).
  68. Ramasamy S., Sripada P.P, Khan M.M, Tian S, Trivedi J.J., and Gupta R. Adsorption Behavior of CO2 in Coal and Coal Char. Energy and Fuels, 28 (8), pp 5241–5251. (2014). 
  69. Nejadi S., Trivedi J.J. and Leung J. Estimation of Facies Boundaries Using Categorical Indicators with P-Field Simulation and Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Natural Resource Research, 24 (2), pp 121-138. (2014).
  70. Panwar A., Nejadi S., and Trivedi J.J. Importance of Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) Data for SAGD Reservoir Characterization and History Matching Within Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) Framework. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 137 (4), (2014).
  71. Veerabhadrappa S.K., Doda A., Trivedi J.J. and Kuru E. On the Effect of Polymer Elasticity On Secondary and Tertiary Recovery. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (51), pp 18421–18428. (2013). 
  72. Bentsen R.G. and Trivedi J.J. On the Construction of an Experimentally Based Set of Equations to Describe Cocurrent and Countercurrent, Two-Phase Flow of Immiscible Fluids through Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 99 (2), pp 251-271. (2013).
  73. Veerabhadrappa S.K., Trivedi J.J. and Kuru E. Visual Confirmation of the elasticity dependence of unstable secondary polymer floods. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (18), pp 6234–6241. (2013)
  74. Kountar S. Y., Bentsen R.G. and Trivedi J.J. Sensitivity Analysis for Dynamic Spontaneous Imbibition with Variable Inlet Saturation and Interfacial Coupling Effects. Transport in Porous Media, 96 (2), 397-417. (2013).
  75. Nejadi S., Trivedi J.J. and Leung J. Ensemble Kalman Filter Predictor Bias Correction Method for Non-Gaussian Geological Facies Detection. 1st IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control of Offshore Oil and Gas Production, NTNU campus, Trondheim, Norway, 31 May - 1 June. (2012).
  76. Bentsen R.G. and Trivedi J.J. Modified Transport Equations for the Three-Phase Flow of Immiscible, Incompressible Fluids Through Water-Wet Porous Media,” Journal of Porous Media, 15 (2), 123-136. (2012).
  77. Kountar S. Y., Bentsen R.G. and Trivedi J.J. Numerical Solution of Equation for Dynamic Spontaneous Imbibition with Variable Inlet Saturation and Interfacial Coupling Effects. Transport in Porous Media, 87, 309-333. (2011)
  78. Kountar S.Y., Bentsen R.G. and Trivedi J. Theoretical Development of a Novel Equation for Dynamic Spontaneous Imbibition with Variable Inlet Saturation and Interfacial Coupling Effects. Transport in Porous Media, 86, 705-717. (2011).
  79. Urbissinova T.S., Trivedi J.J. and Kuru E. Effect of Elasticity During Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding: A Possible Mechanism of Increasing the Sweep Efficiency. J. Can. Petr. Tech., 49 (12), 49-56. (2010)
  80. Trivedi J.J. and Babadagli T. Experimental Investigations on the Flow Dynamics and Abandonment Pressure for CO2 Sequestration and Oil Recovery in Artificially Fractured Cores. J. Can. Petr. Tech., 49 (3), 22 – 27 (2010).
  81. Trivedi J.J. and Babadagli T. Oil Recovery and Sequestration Potential of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs during CO2 Injection. Energy & Fuel, 23(8), 4025 – 2036 (2009).
  82. Trivedi J.J. and Babadagli T. Experiment and Numerical Modeling of the Mass Transfer between Rock Matrix and Fracture. Chemical Eng. J., 146, 194-204 (2009).
  83. Trivedi J.J. and Babadagli T. Scaling Miscible Fracture-Matrix Diffusion/Displacement Process Using Dimensionless Groups. J. Pet. Sci. Eng, 61, 58-66 (2008).
  84. Trivedi J. and Babadagli T. Efficiency Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Sequestration during Miscible CO2 Injection into Fractured Oil Reservoirs. Env. Sci. and Tech., 42 (15), 5473-5479 (2008).
  85. Trivedi J. and Babadagli T. Efficiency of Diffusion controlled Miscible Displacement in Fractured Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 71 (3), 379 – 394 (2008).
  86. Trivedi J., Babadagli T., Lavoie, R., and Nimchuk, D. Acid Gas Sequestration during Tertiary Oil Recovery: Optimal Injection Strategies and Importance of Operational Parameters. J. Can. Pet. Tech., 46 (3), 60 – 68 (2007).
  87. Trivedi J. and Babadagli T. Optimal Injection Strategies for CO2 and Flue Gas Sequestration during Tertiary Oil Recovery. Oil Gas European Magazine, 33 (1), 22-26 (2007).
Book Chapters
  1. Sripada P.P, Khan M.M, Ramasamy S., Vajra T., Trivedi J.J., and Gupta R. Comparison of CO2 Storage Potential in Pyrolysed Coal Char of different Coal Ranks. Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery, pp 293-304. (2014).
  2. Babadagli, T. and Trivedi, J. CO2 Injection for Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery. Progress in Oilfield Chemistry: Managing Matured Fields and Wells (ed. István Lakatos) Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary, vol. 6, 2006 (invited).
Conferences (Full-length paper published)

  1. S Gupta, JJ Trivedi. Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid and Green Hydrogen Generation Models for Western Canada. SPE- 212806-MS. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, (2023 – Accepted)

  2. S Dhingra, S Gupta, JJ Trivedi. A Comprehensive Model for Life Cycle Assessment Of Blue Hydrogen Production And Optimization Along With CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery - Reservoirs In Alberta. SPE-212803-MS. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, (2023 – Accepted)

  3. JL Guevara, JJ Trivedi. Dynamic Surrogate Model for Oil Production Rates Prediction in SAGD Processes. SPE-212756-MS. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, (2023 – Accepted)

  4. N Sibaweihi, JJ Trivedi. Distributed Real-time Multi-Pad Steam Allocation Optimization. SPE-212757-MS. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, (2023 – Accepted)

  5. JL Guevara, JJ Trivedi. Towards a machine learning based dynamic surrogate modeling and optimization of steam injection policy in SAGD. SPE-209245-MS. SPE Western Regional Meeting. (2022)

  6. J. Trivedi. Improved Oil Recovery by Low Salinity Water Injection Simulation. 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition. (2021)

  7. Khan Md, Zabihi S, Trivedi JJ, Gupta R. Underground Coal Gasification and CO2 Adsorption Capacity of Post-UCG Cavity. 45th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, June 26-29, Clearwater, FL, USA (2021)

  8. Zhang Z, Azad M.S, Trivedi JJ. Ultra-low IFT or Wettability alteration: What is More Important for Tight Carbonate Recovery. SPE 200814-MS. SPE Western Regional Meeting. (2020)

  9. Prakash J., Sibaweihi N., Patel R.G., and Trivedi J.J. Data-Driven Steam Optimization for SAGD. SPE-199908-MS. SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference. (2020)

  10. Sibaweihi N., Patel R.G., Guevara J.L, Gates I.D., and Trivedi J.J. Real-Time Steam Allocation Workflow Using Machine Learning for Digital Heavy Oil Reservoirs. SPE Western Regional Meeting. (2019)

  11. Almeida da Costa. A, Jaeger P, Santos J., Soares J., Trivedi J.J., Embiruçu M., Meyberg G. The Influence of Rock Composition and pH on Reservoir Wettability for Low Salinity Water-CO2 EOR: Applications in Brazilian Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Canada. (2019).

  12. Prakash J, Patel R G, Sibaweihi N, Trivedi J J. Data-Driven Real-Time Optimal Steam Allocation Strategy for Heavy Oil Reservoirs: A Field Case Study. SPE Europec featured at 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom. (2019).

  13. Azad M.S, and Trivedi J.J. Does Polymer's Viscoelasticity Influence Heavy Oil Sweep Efficiency and Injectivity at 1ft/Day? SPE 193771, SPE International Heavy Oil Conf. & Exh. (2018).
  14. Telmadarreie A., Trivedi. J. Evaluating the Performance of CO Foam and CO Polymer Enhanced Foam for Heavy Oil Recovery: Laboratory Experiments in Unconsolidated and Consolidated Porous Media. SPE 193785, SPE International Heavy Oil Conf. & Exh. (2018).
  15. Guevara J.L., Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. Optimization of Steam Injection for Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using Reinforcement Learning. SPE-193769, SPE International Heavy Oil Conf. & Exh. (2018).
  16. Patel R., Guevara J.L., and Trivedi J.J. Closed-Loop Reservoir Management Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: A Field Case Study. Presented at the ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 3 - 6 September, Barcelona. 2018.
  17. Patel R., Jain T., Trivedi J.J., and Guevara J.L.  Performance Assessment of Ensemble Kalman Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo under Forecast Model Uncertainty. Presented at the ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 3 - 6 September, Barcelona. 2018.
  18. Almeida A., Patel R., Arambula C., Trivedi J., Soares J., Costa G., and Embiruçu M. Low Salinity Water Injection in a Clastic Reservoir in Northeast Brazil: An Experimental Case Study. SPE 191257, (2018).
  19. Patel R., Jain, T., and Trivedi J.J. Polynomial-Chaos-Expansion Based Integrated Dynamic Modelling Workflow for Computationally Efficient Reservoir Characterization: A Field Case Study. SPE 185847, SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 12-15 June, Paris, France. 2017  
  20. Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. SAGD Real-Time Production Optimization Using Adaptive and Gain–Scheduled Model Predictive Control: A Field Case Study. SPE 185688, SPE Western Regional Meeting in Bakersfield, USA. 2017
  21. Sahib M.A, Dalsania Y., and Trivedi J.J. Injectivity Behavior of Copolymer and Associative Polymers Decoded Using Extensional Viscosity Characterization: Effect of Hydrophobic Association. SPE-185668, SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, USA, 23-27 April 2017.
  22. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi. J.J. Dynamic Behavior of Asphaltene Precipitation and Distribution Pattern in Carbonate Reservoirs During Solvent Injection: Pore-Scale Observations. SPE-184970. SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15-16 February, 2017.
  23. Debnath N., Hassanpourfard M., Ghosh R., Trivedi J., Thundat T., and Kumar A. Flow induced streamer formation in particle laden complex flows. 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 61, Number 20, November 20–22; Portland, Oregon 2016.
  24. Jain T., Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. Application of ANN based Proxy Models for Efficient and Fast Track Assisted History Matching of SAGD Reservoirs. WHOC16-164, World Heavy Oil Congress, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 6-9 September, 2016.
  25. Jai D., Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi. J.J. CO2 Foam for Heavy Oil Recovery: Stabilization by Nanoparticle and Polymer. WHOC16-166, World Heavy Oil Congress, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 6-9 September, 2016.
  26. Rahmati E., Nouri A., Fattahpour J., and Trivedi J.J. Numerical Assessment of the Maximum Operating Pressure for SAGD Projects Considering the Effects of Anisotropy and Natural Fractures in the Caprock. SPE 180711, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 7-9 June, 2016.
  27. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi. J.J. Pore-Scale Observation of Solvent Based Foam During Heavy Oil Recovery. SPE-179658, SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 11-13 April, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, 2016.
  28. Telmadarreie A., and Trivedi. J.J. Pore Scale Visualization during Carbonate Heavy Oil Recovery: Surfactant Alternating CO2 Foam/Polymer Enhanced Foam Flooding. SPE 174629, presented at the SPE Asia Pacific EOR Conference, Malaysia, August 11-15, 2015.
  29. Dalsania Y., Doda A., and Trivedi J.J. Characterization of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Oilfield Polyacrylamides Under Different pH Environments Using Asymmetrical Flow FFF and Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector SPE 174624, presented at the SPE Asia Pacific EOR Conference, Malaysia, August 11-15, 2015.
  30. Rahmati, E., Nouri, A., Fattahpour, V., and Trivedi, J.J. Numerical Assessment of the Maximum Operating Pressure for Anisotropic Caprock in SAGD Projects. SPE 174509, SPE Heavy Oil Technology Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 9-11, 2015.
  31. Telmadarreie, A., and Trivedi, J.J. New Insight on Carbonate Heavy Oil Recovery: Pore Scale Mechanisms of Solvent alternative CO2 Foam/Polymer Enhanced Foam Flooding, SPE 174509, SPE Heavy Oil Technology Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 9-11, 2015.
  32. Patel, R.G., Trivedi, J.J., Rahim, S., and Li, S. Initial Sampling of Ensemble for SAGD Reservoir History Matching and Production Optimization. WHOC15-240, World Heavy Oil Congress, Edmonton, Canada, March 24-25, 2015.
  33. Telmadarreie, A., and Trivedi, J.J. Insight on Foam/Polymer Enhanced Foam Flooding for Improving Heavy Oil Sweep Efficiency. WHOC15-243, World Heavy Oil Congress, Edmonton, Canada, March 24-25, 2015.
  34. Vembadi, S., Trivedi, J.J., and Prasad, V. Real-Time Feedback Control of SAGD Wells using Model Predictive Control to Optimize Steam Chamber Development under Uncertainty. WHOC15-242, World Heavy Oil Congress, Edmonton, Canada, March 24-25, 2015.
  35. Nejadi, S., Trivedi, J.J., and Leung, J. History Matching and Uncertainty Quantification of Discrete Fracture Network Models in Fractured Reservoirs. International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference (DFNE), Vancouver, Canada, Oct 19-22, 2014
  36. Xie. D, Hou. J, Doda. A, Trivedi. J.J. Organic Alkali for Heavy Oil Chemical EOR Improves the Performance over Inorganic Alkali. SPE 172895, SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, Kuwait, Dec 8-10, 2014.
  37. Nejadi. S, Leung. J., Trivedi. J.J. Integrated Characterization of Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs Production History Matching. SPE 171664, SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 30 September - 2 October, 2014.
  38. Doda, A., Kotsuchibashi, Y., Trivedi, J.J, Narain, R. Investigation of Alkali Resistant Polymer for Improved Heavy Oil Recovery. SPE 165514, SPE - Heavy Oil Conference, Calgary, Canada, 11 - 13 June, 2013. 
  39. Nejadi, S., Leung, J. and Trivedi, J.J. Integration of Production Data for Estimation of Natural Fracture Properties in Tight Gas Reservoirs Using Ensemble Kalman Filter. SPE 162783, SPE - CURC, Calgary, Canada, Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2012.
  40. Ramasamy, S., TIAN, S., Trivedi, J.J. and Gupta, R. Assessing CO2 Storage Potential in Coal Chars for UCG-CCS System, presented at 2nd Underground Coal Gasification Network Workshop, Banff, Canada, 22-23 August 2012.
  41. Nejadi, S. Trivedi, J.J. and Leung, J. Estimation of Geological Facies Boundaries Using Categorical Indicators With P-Field Simulation and Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). SPE 153645, Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 16-18 April, 2012.
  42. PANWAR, A., Trivedi, J.J. and NEJADI, S. Importance of Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) Data for SAGD Reservoir Characterization and History Matching Within Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) Framework. SPE 153659, Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 16-18 April, 2012.
  43. SAMUELl, S.R., Kuru, E. and Trivedi, J.J. Design and Development of Aqueous Colloidal Gas Aphrons for Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications and Potential Use in Carbon Sequestration. SPE 154518, 18th IOR Symposium, Tulsa, USA, 16-18 April, 2012.
  44. NEJADI, S., Trivedi, J.J. and Leung, J. Improving Characterization and History Matching Using Entropy Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Gaussian Distributions. SPE 144578, SPE Western North American Regional Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 7-11 May, 2011.
  45. VEERABHADRAPPA, S.K., URBISSINOVA, T.S., Trivedi, J.J. and Kuru, E. Polymer Screening Criteria for EOR Application - A Rheological Characterizatioin Approach. SPE 144570, SPE Western North American Regional Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 7-11 May, 2011.
  46. GUL, A., NEJADI, S., Shah, S.L. and Trivedi, J.J. Make Use of Dynamic Data - A Constraint Based EnKF for SAGD Reservoir Characterization and Production Management. WHOC11-568, World Heavy Oil Congress,Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 14-17 March 2011.
  47. CHITRALEKHA, S. B., Shah, S. L. and Trivedi, J.J. Application of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Characterization and History Matching of Unconventional Oil Reservoirs. SPE 137480, canadian Unconventional Resources & International Petroleum Conference (CURIPC), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19-21 October 2010.
  48. CHORDIA, M. and Trivedi, J.J.: "Diffusion in naturally fractured reservoirs - a review" SPE 134589,SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conf. and Exh., Brisbane, Australia, 18-20 October 2010.
  49. Chitralekha, S.B., Shah, S.L., Gul, A. and Trivedi, J.J. Bayesian Informatics for History Matching of Petroleum Reservoirs. Research and Commercialization Summit - Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, Banff, August 19 - 21, 2010.
  50. URBISSINOVA, T., Trivedi, J.J. and Kuru, E. Effect of Elasticity During Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding: A Possible Mechanism of Increasing the Sweep Efficiency. SPE 133471, SPE Western Regional Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, 27-29 May 2010.
  51. GUL, A. and Trivedi, J.J. CO2 Based VAPEX for Heavy Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs. SPE 129594, SPE EOR Conference at Oil & Gas West Asia,Muscat, Oman, 11-13 April 2010.
  52. Babadagli, T. and Trivedi, J. Evaluation of The Critical Parameters Affecting CO2 Sequestration Performance During Enhanced Oil Recovery. Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Earth Science and Tech., Organized by Cooperative Int. Network for Earth Sci. and Tech. and Kyushu Univ., Dec. 1-2, 2008, 7-14.

  53. Babadagli, T. and Trivedi, J. Evaluation of The Critical Parameters Affecting CO2 Sequestration Performance During Enhanced Oil Recovery. Int. Symp. On Earth Science and Tech., Organized by Cooperative Int. Network for Earth Sci. and Tech. and Kyushu Univ., Dec. 1-2, 2008 (invited - keynote speaker for the plenary session).

  54. Trivedi J. and Babadagli T. Experimental Investigations on the Flow Dynamics and Abandonment Pressure for CO2 Sequestration and Incremental Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs - The Midale Field Case. CIPC/SPE 2008-092, CIM 59th Annual Technical Meeting, Calgary, AB, 17-19 June 2008.
  55. Trivedi, J. and Babadagli, T. Experimental Analysis of CO2 Sequestration Efficiency during Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. SPE 117607, SPE Eastern Regional/AAPG Eastern Section Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 11-15 Oct 2008.
  56. Trivedi, J. and Babadagli, T. Efficiency of Miscible Displacement in Fractured Porous Media. SPE 100411, SPE Western Reg. /AAPG Pacific Section/GSA Cordilleran Section Joint Meet., Anchorage, Alaska, 8-10 May 2006.
  57. Trivedi, J. and Babadagli, T. CO2 and Flue Gas Sequestration During Tertiary Oil Recovery: Optimal Injection Strategies and Importance of Operational Parameters. CIPC 2005-042, CIM 56th Annual Technical Meeting, Calgary, AB, 7-9 June 2005.
  58. Trivedi, J., Babadagli, T., Lavoie, R., and Nimchuk, D. Acid Gas Sequestration During Tertiary Oil Recovery: Optimal Injection Strategies and Importance of Operational Parameters. CIPC 2005-088, 56th Annual Technical Meeting, Calgary, 7-9 June 2005.

Invited Talks 

  1. Well Automation – Optimizing in your sleep. CHOA Annual General Meeting, Calgary Canada. 2019 

  2. Modelling Reduction in Residual Oil Saturation during Enhanced Oil Recovery Process. Computer Modelling Group - Polymer Flood modelling improvement event, Calgary, Canada. 2019

  3. Data Analytics and Machine Learning for SAGD/Heavy Oil Real-time Closed Loop Reservoir Predictions and Optimization, Lunch & Learn Session - Devon Energy Corp, Calgary, Canada. 2018

  4. Short-term and long-term production forecast based on data-driven models for SAGD Reservoirs. Lunch and Learn Session, Statoil Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada. 2016.

  5. Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) Based Workflow for Wormhole Modelling in CHOPS, SPE Edmonton Technical Luncheon Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, 23 May 2017. (Invited, presented by Patel R.)

  6. Saudi Aramco iQuest Meeting Marching to the Field: from idea to field implementation, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov 5-6, 2016. (Invited/Selected after peer-review)

  7. Importance of Polymer Characterization and Optimization of Chemical EOR processes, Husky Energy, Calgary. April 21, 2015

  8. Polymers for Heavy Oil Recovery, Brazil - Canada Workshop on Polymers for Oil Production - An International Collaboration between Canadian and Brazilian Researchers, December 2-4, 2014

  9. An overview of Enhanced Oil Recovery: Advances and state of art practices (conventional; heavy oil; tertiary). Invited Talk for Petrotech Society Industry-Academic Education Tour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, July 14, 2014. 

  10. Integrated Characterization and Uncertainty Qualification of Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs by updating DFN Parameters using Microseismic Analysis and Production History Matching. Unconventional Completion Optimization meeting, Calgary, Canada, Sep 24 – 24, 2014. 

  11. Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery: Advances and State of Art in Technology and Practices. Invited Lecture for Petrotech Society Industry-Academic Education Tour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, July 12, 2014. 

  12. Chemical enhanced CO2 foam for heavy oil recovery, at the 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada, Oct 20 – 23, 2013. (Keynote Speaker)

  13. CO2 and Enhanced Oil Recovery, Invited Presentation for KNRTU (Kazan National Research Technological University) delegation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 26, 2012​. 

  14. Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery: Advances and State of Art in Technology and Practices. Invited Lecture for Petrotech Society Industry-Academic Education Tour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, July 12, 2012. 

  15. CO2 Microbubbles for Improved Sequestration and EOR, 2nd Annual Carbon Management Conference, Gatineau, QC, Canada. May 23-25, 2012.

  16. Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery: Advances and State of Art in Technology and Practices. Invited Lecture for Petrotech Society Industry-Academic Education Tour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Jan.24, 2011. 

Presentations and Posters
  1. Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) Based Workflow for Wormhole Modelling in CHOPS, SPE Edmonton Technical Luncheon Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, 23 May, 2017. (Invited)

  2. Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. Integrated Workflow for Wormhole Modelling in Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand (CHOPS). SPE Student Paper Contest (Canada Region, 2nd Price in PhD Category), Vancouver, BC, 25 March, 2017

  3. Trivedi J.J. Saudi Aramco iQuest Meeting Marching to the Field: from idea to field implementation, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov 5-6, 2016. (Invited/Selected)

  4. Sahib M.A., Dalsania Y., and Trivedi J.J. New Viscoelastic Model for Predicting Polymer Behaviour in Porous Media Using Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheological Data. Paper-524, 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Quebec City, Quebec, October 16-19, 2016.

  5. Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. Real–time Production Optimization Using Non–linear Model–Predictive–Control: A SAGD Field Case Study. Paper-599, 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Quebec City, Quebec, October 16-19, 2016.

  6. Jain T, Trivedi J.J. Production Forecasting for SAGD Reservoirs using Proxy model based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion. Presented at Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, University of Alberta, June 2016.

  7. Jain T., Patel R., and Trivedi J.J. Integration of Data-Driven Proxy Models with Assisted History Matching Algorithm for Efficient and Fast Track History Matching of SAGD Reservoirs. Paper-451, 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Quebec City, Quebec, October 16-19, 2016.

  8. Tadjiki, S., Havard, T., Trivedi, J.J., and Klein, T. Characterization of Polyacrylamide at different ionic strength and pH conditions using Asymmetrical Flow FFF and Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector. PITTCON, 2016.

  9. Telmadarreie, A., Trivedi, J.J. Pore Scale Performance of CO2 Foam and Polymer Enhanced Foam during Heavy Oil Recovery: Homogenous and Heterogeneous Porous Media. Presented at the 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Alberta, October 4-7, 2015.

  10. Sahib M.A., and Trivedi, J.J. Capillary break up extensional rheometry of polymers for oil recovery applications. (Paper 0353) Presented at the 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Alberta, October 4-7, 2015.

  11. Telmadarreie, A., Trivedi, J.J. CO2 microbubbles’ potential for enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration; Comparing to CO2 foam. 4th Annual Conference of Carbon Management Canada (CMC), Banff, Alberta, May 27- 29, 2014. 

  12. Telmadarreie, A., Doda, A., Ghosh, M., Trivedi, J., Kuru, E., and Choi, P. CO2 Microbubbles-Potential Fluid for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Sequestration. CSCE Graduate Student Poster Competition, University of Alberta. March 20, 2014.

  13. Sripada. P.P, Khan. M.M, Shanmuganathan Ramasamy, Kanneganti. V.T, Trivedi. J.J., Gupta.R. Comparison of CO2 Storage Potential in Pyrolysed Coal Char of different Coal Ranks. AGIS IV, Calgary, Sept 14-27, 2013.

  14. Ramasamy, S., Tian, S., Trivedi, J.J. and Gupta, R. Assessing CO2 Storage Potential in Coal Chars for UCG-CCS System. 2nd Underground Coal Gasification Network Workshop, Banff, Canada, 22-23 August 2012.

  15. Trivedi, J., Kuru, E., Choi, P., Dong, M., DODA, A., and GHOSH, M. Design and Development of CO2 Based Colloidal Gas Aphrons for Improved CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery, Poster Presented at the second 2nd Annual Carbon Management Conference, Gatineau, QC, Canada. May 23-25, 2012.

  16. Trivedi, J. CO2 Microbubbles for Improved Sequestration and EOR, 2nd Annual Carbon Management Conference, Gatineau, QC, Canada. May 23-25, 2012.

  17. Trivedi, J. CO2 and Enhanced Oil Recovery, Invited Presentation for KNRTU (Kazan National Research Technological University) delegation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 26, 2012

  18. Trivedi, J. Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery: Advances and State of Art in Technology and Practices. Invited Presentation for Petrotech Society Industry-Academic Education Tour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, July 12, 2012.

  19. VEERABHADRAPPA, S.K., Trivedi, J.J. and Kuru, E. Visual Conformance of the Role of Elasticity during Visco-Elastic Polymer Flooding for EOR. Presented at the Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, June 2011

  20. NEJADI, S., Trivedi, J.J. and Leung, J. Improving Characterization and History Matching Using Entropy Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Gaussian Distributions. Presented at the Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, June 2011.

  21. Trivedi, J.J. Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery: Advances and State of Art in Technology and Practices. Invited Presentation for Petrotech Society Industry-Academic Education Tour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Jan 24, 2011.

  22. SANEEJ B. CHITRALEKHA, Sirish L. Shah, ALI GUL, Japan Trivedi. Bayesian Informatics for History Matching of Petroleum Reservoirs. Presented at the Research and Commercialization Summit, Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures, Banff, Aug 19-21, 2010.

  23. ALI GUL, SANEEJ B. CHITRALEKHA, Japan Trivedi, Sirish L. Shah. Application of the EnKF for History Matching of SAGD Reservoirs. Presented at the Engineering Graduate Research Symposium 2010, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Student Achievements
  • Patel Rajan - Diffusion-Limited-Aggregation (DLA) Based Integrated Workflow for Wormhole Modelling in Cold–Heavy Oil Production with Sand (CHOPS). In the proceedings of SPE Student Paper Contest (Canada Region) in Vancouver, Canada (2017) (2nd prize). 
  • Patel Rajan - GSA Academic Travel Award, University of Alberta, 2017
  • Patel Rajan - ConocoPhillips Canada Limited Graduate Scholarship in Hydrocarbon Develop. (2016–17)
  • Tarang Jain - ConocoPhillips Canada Limited Graduate Scholarship in Hydrocarbon Develop. (2016–17)
  • Sarah Sabihi - Coal Mining Research Graduate Scholarship, 2016.
  • Ali Telmadarreie - Jong and Sunjoo Lee Graduate Scholarship in Engineering, 2016.
  • Ali Telmadarreie - FGSR travel award, 2016
  • Patel R - GSA Academic Travel Award, University of Alberta, 2016
  • Ali Telmadarreie - New Approaches to the Foam Enhanced Oil Recovery in Canadian Heavy Oil Carbonate Reservoirs: Pore-Scale Visualization. 2016 SPE Canada Regional Student Paper Contest, Memorial University of Newfoundland (3rd Place Winner), 2016.
  • Ali Telmadarreie. Potential of CO2 Foam and Polymer Enhanced Foam (PEF) for Improving Heavy Oil Recovery in Heterogeneous Reservoirs. Sixth Annual Graduate Research Symposium, June 15-16th, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Best Oral Presentation Award), 2016.
  • Patel R - Friends of the FGSR Scholarship, University of Alberta, 2015. 
  • Ali Telmadarreie - Donald Lougheed Engineering Graduate Scholarship, 2015
  • Ali Telmadarreie - Alberta Innovate Graduate Student Scholarship, 2015  
  • Ali Telmadarreie - GSA Professional Development Award, University of Alberta, 2015 
  • Patel R - GSA Academic Travel Award, University of Alberta, 2015 
  • Jain, T. Best Poster Award for presenting and communicating technical research in Process modeling and Simulation category during Graduate Research Symposium (FEGRS-2015) at University of Alberta, 2015.
  • Jain, T. Recipient of Total E&P Canada Graduate Scholarship in recognition to academic and research work in field of Oil sands, Process and Systems Modeling. 2015
  • Jain, T. MITACS Globalink fellowship, 2014. 


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